Professional development
La Galerie’s aim is to engage in a period of research and training with professionals in the transmission and understanding of visual arts.
La Galerie participates in the development of future professionals by welcoming students and their lecturers (universities, art schools). After visiting the exhibition, they meet with members of the team to discuss one or more contemporary art professions.
La Galerie offers internships of between 3 and 6 months to train students in contemporary art mediation (from January to July, then from September to December).
La Galerie is part of the “Visual Arts” group of the District Organisation for Cultural and Artistic Action of Rectorat of Créteil. Consequently, secondary school teachers are regularly welcomed for training courses (conferences, visits, meetings and practical workshops) on various subjects.
La Galerie also offers recreation centre coordinators opportunities to learn about the visual arts and how to transmit information about these.
La Galerie offers opportunities tailored to social welfare professionals who would like to discuss the implications culture. The goal is to establish collaborative actions for isolated audiences.