Education: schools and extracurricular activities
La Galerie actively engages with the Éducation Artistique et Culturelle (EAC) policy, offering various activities designed for the development of the region’s children.
Working with the staff artists, the children can sharpen their critical abilities and develop their creative capacity during visits and educational workshops. The goal of these activities is to enhance their visual culture and acquire a language connected to contemporary art, helping them understand art in a sensory, fun way through observation, discussions about artworks and practical exercises.
- Discovery session
Kindergarten, primary schools and recreation centres / 2h
Led by a staff artist, an interactive visit of the exhibition is followed by a practical artistic workshop to explore the themes in the exhibition.
- “1, 2, 3 Prunelles” sessions
Primary schools / 2×90 minutes + an excursion
The first two sessions alternate between interactive visits and hands-on activities, using what has been learnt about the artworks as the basis to understand the exhibitions’ major ideas. These are followed by an excursion to a partner cultural institution in Île-de-France, completing and enriching the initial stages.
- Interactive visit
Secondary schools / 1h
The interactive visit is based on exchange, allowing students to express themselves and acquire an artistic vocabulary.
- “Parcours croisés” with Théâtre des Bergeries
Primary schools
“Parcours croisés” are designed in collaboration with Théâtre des Bergeries around shared ideas and themes. The process is an opportunity to create connections between the visual arts and other artistic practices, such as dance and theatre. Children experience the creation of a show, meet actors, directors, authors, dancers and choreographers, extend their experience through visiting the exhibitions at La Galerie and by attending workshops led by artists in the classroom.
- “Plastimédias” with Médiathèque Roger-Gouhier
Primary schools
These creative workshops are held over several sessions and offer a cross-disciplinary approach to contemporary art, through visual and digital practice (image editing, learning new software, introduction to coding). Children first participate in visits and workshops conceived by a La Galerie staff artist, then they rethink their work, extend and question it through digital tools at Médiathèque Roger-Gouhier.
- “Culture et Art au Collège”
Secondary schools
Each year this scheme, with the support of the Seine-Saint-Denis Department, permits a class to host an artist, to co-construct, with the centre’s team, a “trail” lasting around forty hours during school time (workshops and cultural excursions).
- Inter-schools projects
Secondary schools
This scheme, run by the District Organisation for Cultural and Artistic Action of Rectorat of Créteil, develops a project between a school and one or more cultural organisations founded on learning about the art centre and its professions. The project includes visits of the exhibitions, workshops and meetings with artists and members of the centre’s team.